We stopped for afternoon coffee in the Somerset town of Bridgewater which, upon its approach looked remarkably unprepossessing. This only went to show one should not judge a book by its cover.
A restored Victorian crane on the quayside.
I was especially taken with St Mary's Church, Robert Blake's statue, and the market's facade.
We did our second crossword of the day at the Old Vicarage cafe which incorporated a 14th century inn. The oldest room (14th century) had superb Tudor panelling and must have been very popular for functions. Just imagine, the Black Death was just beginning to make its rounds of Europe as this room was first used. The monarchs on the throne since it was built in the time of Edward III or Richard II have included Plantagenets / Angevins and all the Lancastrians, Yorkists, Tudors, Stuarts, Hanoverians, Saxe-Coburg Gotha and Windsors.
Detail of a building as we were on the road leaving Bridgewater.
Harvesting in Devon.... and so to Helen and Ian's.