There are occasions when I am totally flummoxed as to where a plant in the garden has come from. In this case it is a very tall white Campanula – a bit like C. pyramidalis but with the wrong leaves. It has a basal rosette of soft, fleshy bright green, heart-shaped leaves. It appeared in a garden trough that used to be at the caravan. I certainly never bought it (a fact confirmed by the absence of any record in my purchases books); I don’t recall being given it; and since it is in the trough it could not have been in the garden when we came. It has never flowered before – as witnessed by the absence of any previous photos as well as the fact that I surely would have remembered it.
As the flowering shoots were growing (and growing and growing) I surmised it was going to be a tiny-flowered, self-seeded plant from the bird seeds. Instead it is a brilliant Campanula but the source could be, I suppose, the bird seed. Gardening is always full of surprises.
Could it be Campanula latiloba ‘Alba’?