Thursday 17 April 2008

Thursday 17th April 2008


I had another go at photographing the fish today. Still not brilliant but a bit better than the previous attempts.

I have a lot of Grape Hyacinth scattered around the garden in little clumps but I tend to find they blend too easily into their surroundings. When they have finished flowering I think I shall move them all to a raised bed somewhere and mass them together. When I took a close look at this one to photograph it I found one of the little bells had a tiny beetle in it.

I cut up the last of the willow twigs today. The long green shoots have gone in the Council’s garden rubbish bin and the woodier twigs have gone for kindling for the fire. One of the twigs had a large clump of empty egg cases on it. Probably moth or sawfly eggs.

Plenty of flowers are now coming out as the month progresses and the Yellow Archangel has joined those in the wild flower section.

1 comment:

  1. ur blogspot is really nice!
    beautiful photos......i love them very much!

    thanx for putting those........


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