Last Winter's snow may have looked very pretty but it had a fairly devastating effect on my garden plants. I lost all my Cordylines, my Hebes, a Clematis, and a host of other plants. The two most unfortunate losses were the Fuchsia which provided much of the front hedge, and one of my favourite plants, the Solanum which hid the corner of the shed from view. However, there is always a bright side in any garden and this year has been exceptional for a few plants.
The Clematis montana was a huge mass of flowers - at least twelve feet high and sixteen feet across.
The Viburnum plicatum was a mass of flowers and will be covered in berries in the Autumn.
Similarly the Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' is covered in flowers. As always it attracts a host of bees.
A few years ago I began to grow a natural hedge with native British species in it and for the last couple of years it has been excellent. One disappointment was that my rose hadn't flowered in it. On 31st May that was put to rights and it has produced a few flowers now - much to the delight of the bumble bees.
The annuals, such as these Petunias, are looking good.
And Iris 'Victoria Falls' is splendid.
The yellow Iris Helen gave me have thrived in the marshy area and are making a good display.
5 years ago
Wow that clematis is incredible! Glad the iris are doing well.